Saturday, 5 September 2015

Weight loss update 9

Another milestone today: I weighed in at 91.4kg this morning, 51.2kg lighter than where I started. There’s now just 1.4kg to lose to hit my primary target. My newest exercise shorts are size S — six sizes smaller than what I was wearing in January. In fact, I can easily fit into one leg of those old shorts now.

I weigh less than at any point in my adult life. I have records stretching back to the last 10 years worth of battling with my weight, but I’ve never come this far. And as for before that? I don’t have records, but I know that I weighed 15 stone (95kg) by the time I was 16. I think I can safely claim that I am now leaner, faster, fitter, and stronger than ever. I am in the best physical condition that I have been in my life. Something else that’s been entirely new to me has been picking out a new wardrobe, and for the first time in my life, actually enjoying the clothes I’m wearing. This has been such a paradigm-shift for me that I’ll blog about it separately soon. My world has changed.

The rate of loss over the last few months has been maddeningly slow compared to the weight that was just falling off me at the beginning; and I feel myself losing patience and momentum. So, to ensure I’m maintaining a meaningful calorie deficit, I’ve upped my morning cardio routine to include a 5km run on the treadmill every day (which is also no doubt helping my ParkRun and fun run times). I’m also trying to do some longer bike rides on the weekends: I’ve now done a couple in the 30-km range and plan to extend these.

So, in another few weeks, I hope to be reaching for a new target — I still have my sights set on 82kg.